Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey again all!  Welcome back to yet another mindless rambling :)

First:  I am NOT writing this while driving.. this is just a post on driving (Texting and Driving, It can wait)

I've posted on G+ some random driving tips in the past.  Most of the time they have been because someone ticked me off and I thought I'd bring it to everyone in my G+ World's attention.   Today, I am going to rehash some of those and then add a few more along the way

(Edit:  I'm too lazy to go through my year+ of posts to find them... so I am going to wing it)

Cell phones:
Not for when you're driving.  Plain and Simple. Texting and Driving, It can wait!! If you're talking on it, fine, but texting, playing games, reading social networking, reading news, and overall jacking around on your device while behind the wheel is a bad idea...

It Can Wait

Letting people into traffic line:
If there is a line of traffic and you are coming out of a place of business or another intersection and someone slows down to create a gap for you to get in.... MOVE IT!! Most people, myself including, are considerate enough to let you in, but we don't have unlimited patience.  Keep your head out of your butt, stop playing with your phone and PAY ATTENTION.  When the opening is there, take it!

Construction Zones
Everyone hates construction.  If you live in Ohio you know that we have 3 seasons here:  Winter, Not quite winter, and Construction. It sucks, but then again, so does terribly bumpy roads and craptastic interchanges. Construction is part of being on the road.  We drive on the roads, they have to fix and/or improve the roads.
That being said.  There are people working in these areas.  The speed limit changes are not put in place just to inconvenience you, they are there to help Save Lives. Don't be a idiot, slow down to at least something that is close to the posted speed limits.  I see this all the time where I'll slow down for a construction zone and I'm either having someone riding my rear bumper and they look upset when I look in the rear view mirror (Which, by the way, does the exact opposite of what you are wanting.. I may slow down even) or I'm getting my doors blown off because people feel their time and lives are way more important than the men and women working hard to make your commute better.

Passing Lanes
Left lane = Fast lane
If you're not going faster than the people to the right of you, you don't need to be in that lane.  Move over so the speed demons and the "people more important than you" can get where they need to go.
That being said.  If you are going faster than the people to the right, the speed demons will have to suck it up.  I'm not saying that you need to stay in the left lane indefinitely, but until a gap comes open keep your speed that you're comfortable with.  Once an opening is available for you to get over, make it so, even if that means you need to slow down a bit.  If there is a line of traffic waiting for you to move so they can keep going, just move.

Have an understanding of where you're going
So often I am being cut off or nearly hit because people don't have any idea of where they're going.
GPS units are getting more and more advanced, but they don't tell you everything.  Be observant of your surroundings and pay attention to the road signs. the good people of the city/state you're in paid good money for them to be up, and they are usually pretty helpful when navigating around town.

Semi trucks:
First, they're people too.  All that stuff you have in your house? There's a good chance it was delivered by one of those things that seem to always be in your way. 
Second, they're a LOT bigger than you.  I am willing to bet it's a lot harder to stop one of those than it is your measley little car/truck and can do a ton more damage! It's not wise to cut in front of them when you know that you're going to be stopping or drastically slowing down.
Third,  be a little considerate. Let them over if there's a traffic jam.  They have those turn signals on for half a mile and you have the ability to let them over so they can deliver their goods.  How would you like it if you were at work and the mail man came over and just kept slowing down your progress, then your boss comes and gives you crap for not having your job done?

It does little for you unless you're traveling long distances.  I know it FEELS like you're getting there faster, but consider the stop lights and other traffic and you'll see that the most you'll save is a very minimal amount of time.  Sometimes just seconds at best.  There's been countless times when I got passed like I was sitting still and end up IN FRONT of the guy 5 or more miles down the road because traffic lights and my ability to pick the right lane because I knew where I was going and had the right lane picked.  Best case scenario: you save 2 minutes.  But the extra amount of fuel you use in that time negates the time savings, especially with the prices like they are.  So if you do speed, I don't wanna hear a peep out of your dumb mouth about the gas prices.  You could save quite a bit at the pump just by leaving a bit early and driving the speed limit. You'll save gas, wear on your engine and brakes, money by not getting a ticket, and potentially lives. 

I'm sure there's more.  The overlying message I'm trying to get across is:
Don't be a jackass, keep your head out of your butt and your eyes on the road, Put the cellphone away and PAY ATTENTION

Be safe out there :)

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